MES Simple Balancing Unit
The Simple Balancing Unit, "MES", has been designed by EDIBON to study and analyze the oscillations and vibrations and how to eliminate or diminish them.
The Simple Balancing Unit, "MES", developed by EDIBON is a unit to study and analyze the oscillations and vibrations and how to eliminate or diminish them.
Basically, the unit is formed by a shaft mounted on bearings. The shaft is coupled by pulley to an electrical motor with variable speed that will make it turn. The whole is fixed to the support structure by means of springs which make the unit oscillate in case there are vibrations or forces without being balanced.
The shaft has two discs coupled: one of them is the pulley, and the other is a graduated disc. The disc have drills to proceed, through fixing the masses, to the system destabilization and then to its subsequent balancing.
A ruler can be used in the Simple Balancing Unit, "MES", to see easily the measurement of the system displacement with a needle placed at the right side of the unit.
A electric console for the electrical supply and the motor speed control, as well as weights of different values to do the experiments, are supplied.
- Demonstrations and experiments in the balancing of coplanar rotating systems.
- Balance in a single plane of revolution.
- Observe the effects on oscillations of various conditions of balance.