
Channel, through which water flows, of rectangular section with transparent walls that enable to observe all the experiments. Water is taken from the storage tank by means of a hydraulic pump and, by the pipe, it is driven to the inlet tank, where there is a flow stilling device. After that, the water flows through the channel that discharges in the reception tank. Finally it comes back to the storage tank, completing the closed circuit.

To regulate the flow through the channel, there is a valve at the output of the pump.

To measure the flow there is an orifice plate flowmeter and a Venturi type flowmeter. The flow also can be measured with the flowmeter of the Basic Hydraulic Feed System (FME00/B).

A limnimeter (CFRM) is required to measure water level. Besides, a Pitot tube with tubes manometer board (CFTP) us required to measure velocity/flow.

The channel is assembled on two supports, with a system to control the inclination of the channel.

There is a wide range of available accessories.



  1. Measurement of the water height and the velocity along the channel.
  2. Measurement of the flow with weirs of thin wall.
  3. Measurement of flow with changes in the channel section.
  4. Measurement of flow using Venturi flume.
  5. Control of the flow by gates.
  6. Level control using syphons.
  7. Flow on overflow dams.
  8. Flow among the pillars of a bridge.
  9. Connection of a channel to a culvert.
  10. Characterization of the hydraulic jump.
  11. Profiles of the water free surface.
  12. Investigation of flow and supercritical flow states.
  13. Measurement of water levels.
  14. Discharge processes on an underwater weir.
  15. Amount of energy in flows in open channels.
  16. Function of a syphon weir.
  17. Flow rate and drain coefficients of a syphon weir.
  18. Pipe flows.
  19. Comparison of overflow and syphon weirs.
  20. Observation of the throw of the water.
  21. Generation of different flow states by damming the downstream water.
  22. Observation of the flow under an undershot weir:- Observation of hydraulic motion on discharge.
  23. Relationship between dam height and discharge.
  24. Observation of discharges under a radial gate:- Observation of hydraulic motion on discharge.
  25. Hydrostatic pressure on a weir.
  26. Investigations on waves.
  27. Behaviour of structures in rough sea.
  28. Applying and understanding Manning’s formula.
  29. Understanding sub- and super-critical flow.
  30. Learning how to apply force-momentum and steady flow energy equations to simple flow situations.
  31. Investigation of the transition from running to shooting flow.


  1. Filling of the Pitot tube.
  2. Filling of the venturi meter with analog output.
  3. Filling of the manometric tubes.
  4. Calculation of water flow.
  5. Use of level gauge for measurement of the water height.


