MFCS1 通过不同平面杆架学习力学的设备
The Unit for studying Forces in Different Single Plane Trusses, "MFCS1", allows the measurement of the stresses in the bars in a flat truss subjected to a single external force, in a statically determined armature.
The Unit for studying Forces in Different Single Plane Trusses, "MFCS1", allows the measurement of the bar forces in various single plane trusses, the study of the dependency on the external force and the comparison of the experimental bar forces with several mathematical methods of resistance of materials such as the methods of knots or sections of Ritter.
The unit consists on several bars that will be joined at their ends to the nodes by means of knurled screws. The bars can form triangular units with different angles.
The bars have different lengths to form different truss structures and are subject only to traction or compression stresses. The structures can be considered as ideal, since the friction is considered negligible and the nodes don´t transmit moments. All the bars include a force sensor to measure the strength of each bar.
To generate an external force in the truss, a load application device will be attached to one of the node disks and with a force sensor the applied load will be measured.
The frame includes two supports with two node discs to hinge the truss structure to the frame of the unit.
All the readings from the force sensor are shown on a digital display of the electronic console.
- Investigation of the forces in a single plane truss.
- Measurement of bar forces in the different configurations of the single plane trusses using force sensors.
- Study of the dependency on the external force in the different configurations of the single plane trusses with the direction of the force.
- Study of the dependency on the external force in the different configurations of the single plane trusses with the magnitude of the force.
- Study of the dependency on the external force in the different configurations of the single plane trusses with the application point of the force.
- Calculation of bar forces in the different configurations of the single plane truss by the Ritter's method of sections.
- Calculation of bar forces in the different configurations of the single plane truss by the method of joints.
- Comparison of the experimental bar forces with the Ritter's method of sections and the method of joints in the different configurations of the single plane truss.
Unit for studying Forces in a Simple Bar Structure
Unit for studying Forces in a Jib Crane
Unit for studying Forces in a Simple Bar Structure
Thick Walled Cylinder Unit
Stress Hypotheses Unit
