AEL-WPTC 具有永磁同步发电机的风力发电应用,带有SCADA



The Wind Power Application with Permanent Magnets Synchronous Generator, with SCADA, "AEL-WPTC", has been designed to study the conversion of wind energy into electricity by means of a permanent magnet synchronous generator.




The Wind Power Application with Permanent Magnets Synchronous Generator, "AEL-WPTC", has been designed by EDIBON to study the conversion of wind energy into electrical energy by means of a permanent magnet synchronous generator. This application allows the user to understand the structure and working of the different control, regulation and storage devices used in real wind systems.

The "AEL-WPTC" application includes a three-phase permanent magnet synchronous generator together with a servomotor and its control module, with the goal of studying electrical energy generation through the simulation of a real wind turbine. By using a servomotor, it is possible to study the performance of wind power generation under different wind conditions at any time regardless of weather conditions. For that purpose, the application also includes an inverter and a regulator, as control and regulating devices, a battery, as storage device,and a series of AC and DC loads, as consumption elements of the generated power.

The Control and Data Acquisition System Software for Electrical Machines, "EM-SCADA", allows monitoring the operation mechanical parameters (torque, rotational speed) and the electrical parameters (voltage, current, powers, torque, etc.) to obtain the characteristic curves and operation points of the electrical machine under study.

Lastly, it is recommended to acquire a real small-size permanent magnets wind turbine to gain more experience in the study of the wind turbines and its operation when weather conditions are optimal.



  1. Start-up and working of the permanent magnets synchronous enerator.
  2. Structure and operation of a wind power plant.
  3. Study of the energy storage and system optimization.
  4. Operation and working characteristics with different wind peeds and loads (AC and DC).
  5. Operation of a wind power plant in island mode for the eneration of AC current.
  6. Real time torque monitoring.
  7. Real time speed monitoring.
  8. Real time monitoring of current, voltage and power values.
  9. Real time monitoring of current and voltage waveforms.
  10. Electrodynamic study of the motor/generator.
  11. Obtaining characteristic curves (torque-velocity curve, torquecurrent urve, etc.) and working points for operating conditions.
  12. Real time monitoring of the results.


  1. results simultaneously. o view all results in real time in the classroom by means of a rojector or an electronic whiteboard.
  2. Open Control, Multicontrol and Real Time Control. his unit allows intrinsically and/or extrinsically to change the pan, gains, proportional, integral, derivative parameters, etc, n real time.
  3. The Computer Control System with SCADA allows a real ndustrial simulation.
  4. This unit is totally safe as uses mechanical, electrical/electronic, nd software safety devices.
  5. This unit can be used for doing applied research.
  6. This unit can be used for giving training courses to Industries ven to other Technical Education Institutions.
  7. Visualization of all the sensors values used in the AEL-WPTC unit process.
  8. Several other exercises can be done and designed by the user.




