Einige Referenzen in Afrika
- Ägypten
- Algerien
- Angola
- Äquatorialguinea
- Äthiopien
- Botswana
- Elfenbeinküste
- Gabun
- Ghana
- Libyen
- Marokko
- Mosambik
- Nigeria
- Ruanda
- Sambia
- Südafrika
- Togo
- Tunesien
Customer: UNIVERSITY OF CANADA IN EGYPTDescription: We are very pleased that the number of universities provided with EDIBON equipment is increasing exponentially worldwide. On this occasion, our engineers have moved to University of Canada to install our Computer Controlled Photovoltaic Solar Energy Unit (“EESFB”), the Thermal Solar Energy Basic Unit (“MINI-EESTC”) and the Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger for TICC |
PDFCustomer: UNIVERSITÉ KASDI MERBAH OUARGLA (UKMO), OUARGLADepartment: Department of Renewable EnergiesDescription: Installation and Training of units belonging to the area of Fluid Mechanics | |
Customer: UNIVERSITE DE BEJAIA Departament: Description: |
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PDFCustomer: MINISTERIO DE MINAS E HIDROCARBUROS, MONGOMODepartment: National Technological Institute of Hydrocarbons of Equatorial GuineaDescription: Installation and Training of units belonging to the areas of Electricity and Fluid Mechanics | |
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