PTSA Réservoir de Modélisation d'Étage / Eau
The Soil/Water Model Tank "PTSA" is a laboratory scale unit designed to study the most common surface irrigation systems, as well as to investigate the surface and sub-surface effects of applying water.
Description Générale
The Soil/Water Model Tank "PTSA" is a laboratory scale unit designed to study the most common surface irrigation systems, as well as to investigate the surface and sub-surface effects of applying water.
The "PTSA" unit is mounted on a movable bench consisting of a metallic frame and panels made of painted steel. It includes wheels to facilitate its mobility.
It has a narrow rectangular tank to be partially filled with different kinds of soils/sand (not included). Its frame is made of aluminum and the rear and front walls are made of glass so that water movements can be visualized. The front wall of the tank includes a grid to facilitate the measurement of water penetration rate in the soil.
It is a self-contained unit and it includes a water tank from which a pump impels water passing through a flow meter to measure the flow. The water circulates through a pressure regulator and a filter and the flow is controlled by a regulation valve. The water outlet in the rectangular tank can be either by flood or drip system to demonstrate the different types of surface irrigation. The irrigation system is manually modified to allow the two types of surface irrigation.
The unit allows to change and to remove easily and quickly the soil samples using the rear lateral plate made of aluminum. There is an overflow system to remove surface water.
Des exercices et pratiques guidées
- Study and visualization of drainage systems.
- Visualization of the surface irrigation systems.
- Study and understanding of surface and sub-surface effects of surface water application.
- Study of the filtration rate.
- Visualization of the effect of crusting on infiltration.
- Visualization of the effect of soil particle size on infiltration.
- Study of infiltration and surface run-off.
- Study and demonstration of optimum irrigation application rates to maximize infiltration and minimize surface run-off.
Unité de Systèmes Hydrologiques, Simulateur de Pluie et Systèmes d´Irrigation (2x1m), Contrôlée par Ordinateur (PC)
Unité de Systèmes Hydrologiques, Simulateur de Pluie et Systèmes d´Irrigation (2x1m)
Unité d'Études Hydrologiques Contrôlées par Ordinateur
Unité d'Études Hydrologiques
Unité de l'hydrologie des Précipitations
Simulateur de Pluie pour l'Étude de l'Érosion des Sols, Contrôlé par Ordinateur (PC)
Simulateur de Pluie pour l'Étude de l'Érosion des Sols
Simulateur d´Écoulement d´un Fleuve
Unité de Visualisation de Flux et de Lit Mobile (section de travail : 2000X610 mm)
Unité de Visualisation de Lit et d'Écoulement Mobile (section de travail : 4000X610 mm)
Canal Ouvert de Sédimentation

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