STU 沉积物运输设备



The Sediment Transport Unit, "STU", designed by EDIBON, allows the study and demonstration with sand of the transport of bottom sediments carried by the flow in open channels.




The Sediment Transport Unit, "STU", designed by EDIBON, allows the study and demonstration with sand of the transport of bottom sediments carried by the flow in open channels.

The main element of the Sediment Transport Unit, "STU", is an oval open channel with a transparent test section allowing the observation of different sedimentary structures such as ripples and dunes.

On one side of the flume there is a wheel with blades driven by an electric motor. This wheel is responsible for circulating the flow through the channel and its speed can be modified even to generate velocities that do not cause sedimentation.

On the other side of the channel there is a test section with a flow rectifier, which consists of a depression to collect sediments and where three different models of pillars can be placed to observe the footprint of the different river obstacles.



  1. Study of sediment transport in open channels.
  2. Study of different sediment structures such as ripples and dunes.
  3. Determination of the initial conditions for the transport of sediments carried by the current.
  4. Study of the formation of fluvial obstacle tracks.
  5. Study of the influence of flow velocity on bottom transport.
  6. Study of the influence of sand size and density on the bottom transport.
  7. Study and observation of suspended matter flows.


